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Beauty for Ashes Conference

Beauty for Ashes Family Conference
On Saturday January 7, 2017 EACH Outreach Ministries will host the first annual family conference. This year’s theme is Beauty for Ashes. We’ll be talking about the unconditional love, forgiveness and life transforming power of God. It is our desire to equip men, women and children with essential tools to resist the attacks and temptations of the enemy. We will offer relevant teachings, inspirational workshops and a covenant meal. This conference is also a time to relax and connect with other individuals who understand the unique challenges faced by today’s family.
Guest Speakers:
T.C. Stallings
Starring in the 2015 hit movie “War Room”, T.C. Stallings is an actor, speaker, and author of “The Pursuit: 14 Ways in 14 Days to passionately seek God’s purpose for your life.”
T.C.’s main mission is to use all of his gifts to share the message of Christ, and to encourage anyone who will listen to do the same. He is known for teaching in a very memorable, simple and easily digestible style, often using props, audience volunteers, and short videos to help illustrate the message God gives him. As a result of simply being passionate about helping people connect with Jesus and understand His calling on their lives, T.C. has been platformed by God through many avenues including feature films, television commercials, sports modeling contracts and speaking opportunities in and out of the country.

Is a certified life coach, mentor and personal trainer. Summer is the visionary of I Am Warrior Princess, which is a movement focusing on women empowering and supporting each other to be there best selves in every area of their lives. In January 2016, Summer released her first book, I am Warrior Princess: The Fight for the Life I Want. A Warrior Princess is a daughter of King Jesus. Summer’s book is a call to action for women to examine their lives and maximize their potential to ensure they are armed and dangerous to win the battle of life.
Native of Atlanta, GA, currently residing in Cleveland, OH. Received her Bachelors in Computer Science and Masters in Information Technology from North Carolina A&T SU. She received her Doctorate Degree in Leadership and Organization with a concentration in Global Information Systems in 2013 from University of Phoenix. Dr. Simmons wears many hats in her personal life. She currently works as a Sr. Project Manager for Rockwell Automation and a Program Director for Information Technology at South University. Outside of her professional hats she is the Operations Manager for P.U.R.E. Production, non-profit theater production organization. She is also the founder of Excellence of a Pearl, non-profit Big Sister Mentorship program. She takes pride in everything she does, because God gets all the glory for giving her the ability to touch and change people lives on a daily basis.

Dr. Clarence Landry
For more than 30 years, Rev. Clarence P. Landry, Jr., served pastorates and community social ministries in Alaska, Louisiana, and Texas. A native of New Orleans, Louisiana, he has three earned degrees Associate of Applied Science (AAS) University of Alaska, Bachelors of General Studies (BGS) Pastoral Ministries New Orleans Babptist Theological Seminary/Levell College, and Masters of Christian Education (MACE) Interdemoninational Theological Center/Morehouse School of Religion in Atlanta, Georgia. Additionally, Rev. Landry is a doctoral candidate for the Doctor Ministry (D. Min.) Houston Graduate School of Theology, continued studies Doctor of Educational Ministry (D. Ed. Min.) attending New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and the Philosophy of Doctorate (Ph. D.) Public Policy and Administration concentration Community Economic Development Walden University Baltimore, MD.
He brings more than 25 years of academic and professional experiences in early childhood education, technical college administration recruitment and not-for-profit and Faith-Based administration management systems, and community development. He has served as Executive Director/ Community Development Lending with Jefferson Community Housing Development Foundation, Inc., Algiers Savings & Loan/Financial Planners of New Orleans, Inc./ Financial Planners of New Orleans Equity Corporation, and Director of Community Development at the ACU of Texas Credit Union/Keystone Community Development Corp.
His civic and professional affiliation National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) , Neighbor-Works America Housing Counseling Financial Literacy, Houston-Galveston Texas Department of Criminal Justice Volunteer Chaplain, Southern Baptist Convention of Texas and Union Baptist Association Houston.

LArESe Purnell
LaRese Purnell currently serves as the CFO of the Word Church in Cleveland. LaRese is sensitive to the plight of the underserved because he has experienced their same dilemma. As President of the Board at Faith Community United Credit Union, LaRese addresses financial issues that are responsible for the disconnection between community residents and their financial wealth. As a board member of the YMCA of Greater Cleveland, LaRese develops and participates in initiatives that will help keep youth off the streets and engaged in programs that will mold leadership and entrepreneurial skills. He is also an Advisory Board Member for South Pointe Cleveland Clinic Hospital and on the Board of the Urban League of Greater Cleveland.
He's the author of Financial Foundations, Building Financial Freedom One Tool at a Time; using everyday language, LaRese addresses the most fundamental questions people have about money. On the horizon for 2017, LaRese will release the second edition, Financial Foundations, Building Financial Freedom One Tool at a Time 2.0.
The Real Black Friday, was created as an initiative to bring awareness and exposure to Black-owned and operated businesses in northeastern Ohio in order to change the circulation of the Black dollar and build wealth in the Black community. The website, therealblackfriday.com was created for use by businesses to advertise their services and deals and to assist consumers to locate the same. He has created a vehicle, the Lynx card that allows consumers to take advantage of discounts throughout the year. The Lynx card is available through the website.

I Was Hungry
Join us as we serve homeless men and women. We will pass out food, hats, scarves, gloves and inspirational material at the men's and women's shelters in Cleveland, OH.
For volunteer opportunities please contact us at Info@eachoutreach.org
Time - 2:30 - 4:00pm

Join us as we serve children that are sick. We will read books, play games and provide gifts for children in the Ronald McDonald House.
For volunteer opportunities please contact us at Info@eachoutreach.org
Time - 6:30 - 8:00pm
I Was Alone and Away from Home
Join us as we serve homeless children. We will read books, play games, and provide snacks and gifts for children at Laura's Home.
For volunteer opportunities please contact us at Info@eachoutreach.org
Time -11:00 - 2:30pm