A Season of Giving
This year, in conjunction with Faith Fellowship Church, we are hosting a special collecting special items for the homeless in the Cleveland area. As it is EachOutreach's goal to serve those in need, let's join together and make this occasion as fruitful as possible.
We are collecting specified items for the homeless so that they can survive the cold winter months as comfortably as possible.
These items include:
FOR MEN: Pack of New Underwear (Boxers or Briefs).
New or Gently used: Winter Gloves, Scarves, Winter Hats, Winter Coats, Warm Boots , Socks & Sweatshirts.
FOR WOMEN: Perfume, Costume Jewelry, Gift Cards to buy gifts for family & friends, Body Wash/Lotion Sets, Small Boxes
of Chocolate, New or Gently used: Winter Gloves, Scarves, Winter Hats, Winter Coats, Warm Boots ,
Socks & Sweatshirts.

Thank You!!
Our giving starts at 2 pm. However, we need
everyone there at 1:45 so that we can arrange
ourselves to prepare for our guests to be served.
We're Collecting
November 25-December 18
Where to Bring Your Donations:
Faith Fellowship Church
10277 Valley View Rd, Macedonia, OH 44056